Write Without Borders: Editing, coaching, mentoring, manuscript development & unique writing workshops

What I offer:
Editing, coaching, mentoring, manuscript development & unique writing workshops.

How I work:
You’ll receive in-depth, individualized guidance to take your writing to new levels.

Who I am:
The prize-winning author of 27 books in a dozen different genres, a 40-year veteran of publishing, teaching creative writing at the university level, book reviewing, and manuscript editing and development.

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“Lev Raphael has a breadth of humanity, humor, experience and wisdom that made him a generous and inspiring writing coach. With an understanding of how to speak to a writer’s strengths, he affirmed my intuition, encouraged innovation, and helped me take creative risks that would bring out my most powerful material. I think of him as a healer, someone who instills confidence through his enthusiasm and faith in your creative potential.”
—Charity Hume, California

“Having Lev edit my first novel was like taking a crash course in fiction writing.  He’s got a novelist’s eye for detail and an impeccable ear for language. He caught everything from implausible scenes and underdeveloped characters to misplaced commas and backwards quotation marks. Even when offering tough criticism he kept things light and humorous, which makes me look forward to working with him on my next project.”
—David Stowe, Michigan

“I can’t sing higher praises for Lev Raphael and the wonderful opportunity he’s given me. The memoir writing course has opened doors and was so inspiring. Thank you, Lev, for this invaluable experience!”
—Heidi Rosen, Wisconsin

“Lev has edited both my published thriller and the one that’s about to be published. His work is outstanding! He’s detail-oriented, offers creative suggestions, and is positive and encouraging. His guidance helped me write stories that morphed from interesting to spellbinding.”
—Patti Nakfoor, Michigan

“It takes courage to write. It takes even more courage to let others read what you’ve written in its most vulnerable form. Write Without Borders workshops with Lev have empowered me to utilize his nonjudgmental, intuitive, and focused feedback to take my specific writing goals to the next level.”
—Maria Menozzi, Michigan

“Studying creative writing with Lev Raphael was like seeing Blade Runner for the first time: simply incredible.”
—Kyle Roberts, MSU Class of 2016

“Lev Raphael’s animated passion for writing and teaching have inspired me throughout my time as his student—he pushed me to not only produce better work but to avidly follow my interests and be unafraid of my own ideas.”
—Isabella Paige Gallagher, MSU Class of 2019

“Studying with Lev Raphael in London was one of the best decisions of my academic career. Thanks to his patience, enthusiasm, and encouragement I’m a more confident writer.”
—Danielle Owensby, MSU Class of 2015

“Working with Lev Raphael was a highlight of my college career. He’s an expert at balancing serious input with humor and encouragement, and he’s an extremely well-read author who’s aware of literary trends and how those apply to aspiring writers.”
—Carrie Dudewicz, MSU class of 2018

“My time writing with Lev Raphael’s guidance not only helped me become a better writer and artist, but his encouragement to remain open and observant had a profound impact on my life, and stays with me to this day.”
—Cecilio Palacio, MSU Class of 2014

“Lev Raphael’s wit, wisdom, and real sense of caring about his students in London helped make our study abroad program one of the best things I’ve ever done.”
—Meg Hughey, MSU Class of 2015